Endocrinology and Human Sexuality
HECS Band 3
13 hours lectures, 39 hours guided learning sessions, 13 hours synthesising sessions. Full year.
Available to level 2 students enrolled in the MBBS program.
Staff: Dr L Crane.
This subject will address issues of both endocrinology and human sexuality. It will provide a focus for endocrinology within the MBBS program, consolidating and expanding knowledge and understanding of mechanisms of hormone actions and their effects introduced in other systems-based subjects in the program. The subject will also discuss normal human sexuality in terms of sexuality across the life cycle, the sexual response cycle and sexual orientation. It will also discuss sexual dysfunction and introduce social aspects of sexually transmitted disease.
Learning Objectives:
- understand hormone structure and mechanisms of hormone action;
- recognise basic features of gross anatomy and histology of the endocrine system;
- knowledge of the normal role of the major hormones in maintaining homeostasis;
- understand the major causes and effects of abnormalities in each major hormone system;
- development of ability to use and objectively interpret hormone assays and tests of endocrine function;
- awareness of normal human sexuality across the life cycle;
- understand the sexual response cycle in males and females;
- understanding of issues associated with sexual dysfunction, sexual myths and stereotypes;
- development of senstiive and effective communication skills with reference to sexual history taking, sexual counselling and education;
- awareness of psychological and socio-cultural issues of sexuality.
Assessment by end-of-year integrated examination which will consist of a written component (67%) and a practical component (33%). Students will also be required to undertake informal on-course assessment tasks.