Haematological and Renal Medicine
HECS Band 3
13 hours lectures, 39 hours guided learning sessions, 13 hours synthesising sessions. Full year.
Available to level 2 students enrolled in the MBBS program.
Staff: Professor P Summers.
This subject will provide foundation knowledge and understanding of the formation, composition and physiological control of the cellular components of blood as well as the structure and function of the renal and urinary excretory systems. building on this knowledge, students will learn about the major disorders of the haematological, renal and urine excretory systems. An introduction to the use of the common laboratory techniques to examine cells of the blood and urine is also included.
Learning Objectives:
- understand the function and composition of blood;
- ability to recognise the cellular components of blood, bone marrow and lymphoid tissues;
- be knowledgeable of the changes that occur in the constituents of blood during health and disease and the effects of therapies;
- be cognizant of the critical role of the kidney in body-waste disposal and homeostasis in health and disease;
- know how urine excretion is controlled;
- be aware of the reasons for, and limitations of, laboratory examination of blood and urine;
- appreciate the physiological basis to the treatment of haematological and renal disorders.
Assessment by end-of-year integrated examination which will consist of a written component (67%) and a practical component (33%). Students will also be required to undertake informal on-course assessment tasks.