James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Human Biology


HECS Band 3

13 hours lectures, 52 hours other. Full year.

Available to level 1 students enrolled in the MBBS program.

Staff: Dr L Crane.

This subject will introduce students to concepts of the origin of humans and human development. It will introduce reproductive anatomy and processes and will discuss major milestones in the human lifespan including puberty, menopause and death.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand the nature of the origin of humans and to be aware of related issues and theories;
  2. to understand the essentials of reproductive anatomy and physiology and to be able to identify major anatomical and histological features of the reproductive tract;
  3. to know and understand the early events in embryogenesis and the major milestones in foetal/neonatal development;
  4. to be able to recognise and interpret results of imaging technologies at a gross anatomical level and to appreciate the uses and limitations of imaging technologies in reproductive medicine;
  5. to develop an understanding of the major milestones during ageing;
  6. to understand and appreciate the physiological, cultural and health issues related to the major milestones of human development and reproduction including fertility and fertility management, puberty, pregnancy, fertility management and issues of ageing and death.

Assessed as part of the end-of-year integrated examination consisting of a written component (67%) and a practical component (33%); informal on-course assessment tasks.