Behaviour of Marine Animals
HECS Band 2
July block mode.
Available to GDipResMeth, GCertResMeth, GDipSc, MAppSc and MSc students.
Staff: Dr M McCormick.
A major part of this subject will be a field excursion to Orpheus Island during which students will get hands-on experience collecting behavioural information using a range of underwater techniques.
Principles of animal behaviour will be overviewed in an evolutionary framework. Emphasis will be on topics pertinent to the establishment and maintenance of marine communities. The subject structure will include: methods for studying behaviour in marine systems, ontogenetic development of behaviour, habitat selection, animal communication, social spacing, mating systems, foraging behaviour, predator avoidance and behavioural flexibility.
Specific topics will include: evolution of behaviour; development of behaviour; optimality; habitat selection and larval behaviour; visual, chemical and electrical communication; territoriality and competition; mating systems and sexual selection; parental care; modes of predator avoidance; mimicry; individuality of behaviour.
Learning Objectives:
- to gain an understanding of the intellectual foundation of marine behavioural studies;
- to gain experience in the methods used in marine behaviour studies;
- to introduce students to the empirical basis of marine behaviour studies;
- to introduce students to the diversity of behaviours that characterise marine animals and their importance.
Assessment by three reports and two seminars.