James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Planning Legislation and Professional Practice


HECS Band 3

Semester 2 block mode.

Available to all CTURP students and other postgraduate students as approved by the appropriate Dean and Director of CTURP.

Staff: Dr D King.

This subject will cover the evolution of current legislation in Queensland and other relevant regulatory frameworks. It will provide a basis for understanding the development process, including planning schemes, environmental impact assessment, subdivisional development, appeals and the jurisdiction of the Planning and Environment Court.

Learning Objectives:

  1. provide a clear understanding of the relevant planning and environmental legislation in Queensland;
  2. provide an appreciation of relevant planning jurisdictions from within Australia and overseas;
  3. give some practically-based understanding of the functions of the Planning and Environment Court and other appeal systems;
  4. provide understanding of the environmental impact assessment process in relation to development.

Assessment by 24 hours take home examination (50%); oral presentations (20%); development proposal and assessment (30%).