*NOTE* Catchment Assessment and Management
HECS Band 2
26 hours lectures, 39 hours practicals, 16 hours fieldwork. Semester 2.
Staff: Dr J Nott.
The subject examines patterns and processes of river channel, floodplain, estuary and sandy beach development and human impacts on these environments including agriculture, stream bank erosion, mining, changes to sediment yields, stream diversion and engineering works, water extraction, removal of riparian vegetation, introduction of exotic flora and fauna and coastal beach erosion.
Learning Objectives:
- to gain an understanding of the methods used to assess the impacts of human landuse activities in a stream catchment;
- to gain an understanding of the methods used in remedying and managing human impacts in stream catchments;
- to develop expertise in field mapping techniques and analysis of data;
- to develop scientific writing and oral presentation skills.
Assessment by examination (50%); practical exercises (25%); field report (25%).