James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Project Management and Development


HECS Band 2

26 hours lectures, 13 hours tutorials. Two week vacation block mode. Semester 1 or 2.

Available to students enrolled in the Master of Engineering Management course and to other students at the discretion of the Head of School of Engineering.

Project initiation and development; planning networks and review techniques; functional analysis modelling; resource optimisation; projects and company organisational structures; project planning and scheduling; risk and uncertainty; practical considerations; case studies.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide a critical understanding of special characteristics of projects;
  2. to enable successful development of projects from conception to termination phase;
  3. to develop effective project organisational structures;
  4. to learn to apply the networking techniques in planning, scheduling, managing and controlling projects.

Assessment by assignments (50%); projects (50%).