Electronics 2
HECS Band 2
26 hours lectures, 52 hours design projects, tutorials, demonstrations and practicals, site visits and seminars. Semester 2.
Tuned amplifiers and oscillators. Power supplies: linear and switched mode. Large signal and power amplifiers (Class A, B, C, D). Feedback, frequency compensation of operational amplifier circuits. Practical operational amplifier circuits. Electronic multipliers and comparators. Planning, managing and implementing a Group Design Project.
Learning Objectives:
- to develop an understanding of the principles and constraints of designing electronic circuits;
- to develop the capability to design regulated power supplies, oscillators and amplifiers;
- ability to plan, manage and implement a group project to meet set milestones, budget and performance specifications;
- to write design proposals, a design report and present a seminar on an electronic design project.
Assessment by examination (50%-70%); on-course assessment (30%-50%).