James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Electronics 1


HECS Band 2

39 hours lectures, 39 hours tutorials, demonstrations and practicals, site visits and seminars. Semester 2.

Section A – Electrical properties of materials; semiconductors, insulators, conductors, superconductors. Piezo-electricity, Dielectric materials and their applications. Magnetic properties of materials. The PN junction.

Section B – Load line analysis. Application of PN diodes: rectifiers, waveshaping, peakdetectors, level restorers. Other types of diodes: Zener, LED, Varactor, Photo. Bipolar and FET Transistors operation, characteristics and circuit biasing. Operational amplifiers and comparators. Principles of feedback. Power supplies.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand the fundamental aspects of semiconductors and other electrical materials in the design of electronic circuits;
  2. the analysis and design of discrete diode and transistor circuits; properties, operation and design of electronic circuits based on operational amplifiers.

Assessment by examination (50%-70%); on-course assessment (30%-50%).