Mentoring and Coaching
HECS Band 1
External nationally and internationally. Semester 1 and 2.
Available to Postgraduate Certificate, BEd (Professional Development) and Master of Education students.
Staff: Dr K Martinez.
This subject is designed to foster collaborative professional development in schools. It provides an opportunity for teachers and administrators to examine school-based research findings on mentoring and coaching and examples of best practice. It will explore approaches to working collaboratively on school-based issues using professional dialogue, collaborative planning, team building, peer coaching, mentoring and supervision strategies in an action research framework to enhance teacher effectiveness in schools.
Learning Objectives:
- appreciate the importance of collaboration in professional development;
- investigate the literature on mentoring and coaching;
- understand the variety of approaches to collaborative professional development;
- develop a range of skills in implementing particular strategies on mentoring and coaching;
- understand the principles and practice of action research;
- develop an action plan and complete a project that utilises mentoring and coaching principles.
Assessment by action research project (5,000 words) (100%). Each person enrolled will be required to negotiate an appropriate project that meets their needs for professional development while at the same time meeting School of Education criteria for a project.