James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Field Techniques and Geophysical Mapping


HECS Band 2

25 lectures, 36 hours practicals. Semester 1.

Staff: Dr S Dominy.

Principles of airphoto interpretation, map compilation from images and cross section construction form the basis for fracture analysis and geological interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data. The general principles covered in the subject are applicable to analysis of sedimentary basins, coal and oil, but are focussed on metalliferous mineral deposits. Special industry lecturers have been invited to contribute to provide a balanced idea of how exploration techniques move on to mining successes.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop skills to be able to interpret maps, images and data, to understand both aspects of 3D geometry and the potential distribution of mineral resources;
  2. an understanding of the principles of fault and fold mechanics is introduced to assist in developing good fracture/fluid flow analysis skills in the search for mineral deposits, as well as improving understanding of how to analyse any large area of geological interest.

Assessment by a three-hour final examination (30%); practical and assignments (70%).