James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Geological Mapping


HECS Band 2

15 hours workshops, 64 hours field work. July block mode. EA3511 is a required corequisite subject.

Staff: Professor T Bell, Dr M Rubenach.

Detailed mapping of a selected area in the Mount Isa Inlier, interpretation and synthesis of field data (sedimentary, structural, metamorphic, igneous, economic), plotting maps and cross sections, geological report writing.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop skills in mapping a complex terrain comprised of a variety of lithologies and geological problems;
  2. develop skills in integrating a wide body of geological data in determining a geological history and writing a field report;
  3. develop skills in preparing geological maps and cross sections from data collected in the field.

Assessment by map (30%); report (20%); cross section (20%); notebook (15%); field performance (15%). Maps, sections and report are to be submitted on the final day of the camp.