Crystalline Rocks
HECS Band 2
20 hours lectures, 26 hours practicals, 20 hours fieldwork. Semester 2.
Staff: Dr M Rubenach, Dr T Baker.
Characterisation and description of igneous rocks in the context of major element chemistry, mineralogy, texture, genetic processes and tectonic setting. Characterisation of metamorphic rock mineralogy and textures, particularly regarding microstructural processes, facies, thermal metamorphics and paired metamorphic belts.
Learning Objectives:
- development of the skills and knowledge to recognise igneous and metamorphic rocks and minerals in a hand specimen and classify the common rocks;
- acquisition of the observational skills and knowledge to interpret the genetic meaning of textures in common rocks;
- an appreciation of the genetic context and crustal setting of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Assessment by a three-hour written examination (50%); practical classes (30%); 3,000 word written assignment (20%).