James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Earth Materials


HECS Band 2

18 hours lectures, 36 hours practicals. Semester 1.

Staff: Dr P Williams.

Silicate (including clay), carbonate, oxide and sulphide mineralogy and an introduction to the techniques of optical mineralogy. An introduction to geochemistry including rock weathering and controls of elemental mobility for applications in environmental and exploration geochemistry.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop the skills and knowledge to recognise minerals in a hand specimen, and classify, the common rock-forming minerals and rocks;
  2. acquisition of a preliminary knowledge of the techniques of optical petrography and of X-ray and electron microprobe analysis of minerals;
  3. development of basic geochemical skills applicable to broad understanding of geological processes.

Assessment by a two-hour written examination (50%); practical classes (30%); one 2000 word assignment (20%).