Honours Project
Townsville, Cairns
HECS Band 2
13 hours supervision. Full year.
Available to Computer Science Honours students.
Staff: Dr B Litow (coordinator); each student supervised by a staff member.
A major project in computer science, to be carried out under the supervision of a staff member. The project will require a survey of the relevant literature, an analysis of the problem to be solved, the design and implementation of the solution and verification and evaluation of the results. Progress reports are required during the year and a complete account of the work done must be given in the final report, which should include a critical appraisal of the objectives, techniques and results of the project.
Learning Objectives:
- produce a substantial piece of technical writing in the form of a thesis or report;
- apply skills gained in the verbal presentation of ideas and technical material via formal seminar presentations.
Assessment by literature review (10%); seminar 1 (5%); early draft thesis (10%); seminar 2 (10%); final thesis (65%).