Chemistry of the Elements
HECS Band 2
32 hours lectures, 4 hours tutorials, 36 hours practicals. Semester 2.
Staff: Professor R Keene.
Nature of metals, semiconductors and insulators. Descriptive and structural aspects of selected groups of the Periodic Table, with particular emphasis on the chemistry of the oxides and oxyanions of Groups IV-VI (including the oxides of nitrogen, photochemical pollution, phosphates, silicates and sulphur oxides, ozone chemistry). The chemistry of the transition metals metal complexes, ligands, nomenclature, stereochemistry, bonding, colour and magnetism, mechanism of reactivity, transition metals in catalysis, photochemistry. Qualitative inorganic analysis analysis of cations and anions in an unknown compound.
Learning Objectives:
- to provide knowledge of a wide range of fundamental inorganic chemistry;
- to prepare students for entry into more advanced chemistry subjects at level 3;
- to provide knowledge of the application of inorganic chemistry in a number of chemical processes and techniques;
- to provide a background of inorganic chemistry which is appropriate for students whose majors will be in other science and/or engineering disciplines;
- to provide insight into the philosophical basis of science as expressed through inorganic chemistry.
Assessment by a three-hour examination (75%); practical reports (25%).