Tropical Landscape Ecology and Management
HECS Band 2
26 hours lectures, 18 hours practicals/tutorials. Semester 1.
Staff: Dr R Congdon.
This course covers aspects of tropical landscape ecology, including habitat fragmentation, patch dynamics, biological diversity and conservation. Aspects of land use, degradation, restoration ecology and land care in the tropics are considered in the context of ecologically sustainable land use. Examples are drawn from agriculture, mining and forestry.
Learning Objectives:
- to gain an understanding of the basic principles of landscape ecology and their application to tropical ecosystems;
- to develop an appreciation of current land management issues, particularly in tropical Australia;
- to undertake a small project designed to introduce students to research techniques in an area of landscape ecology, providing them with an indication of what is involved in Honours or postgraduate research projects.
Assessment by a three-hour examination (60%); project (30%); project poster (10%).