James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Medical Photography


HECS Band 2

26 hours lectures, 12 hours tutorials, 34 other contact hours. September block mode.

Staff: Assoc. Professor R Hirst, Mr M Shapter.

Principles of optics; lenses and accessories; sensitised photographic material; digital recording; lighting and exposure; copying and duplicating techniques; preparation of audiovisual material for lectures; composition and design; image clarity – digital and film; presentation of photographs for publication and display; close-up photography and specimen preparation; photomicrography and photomacrography; processing and printing – film, paper and digital; review and revision of subjects; aspects of photographer and patient psychology; copyright; videography; depth perception, image manipulation, health hazards and review.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understand the principles and practices of macro and micro single lens reflex photography;
  2. understand the use of and principles of photographic materials, lighting and exposure for the correct illustration of medical specimens;
  3. understand appropriate medical specimen preparation and presentation.

Assessment by written examination (50%); practical assignments (50%).