Principles of Biochemistry and Cell Regulation
HECS Band 2
33 hours lectures, 11 hours tutorials, 6 hours practicals, 6 hours workshops. Semester 1.
Available to Bachelor of Pharmacy students.
Staff: Dr S Vasudevan (Coordinator), Professor J Burnell, Dr J Hermans and Assoc. Professor D Yellowlees.
This subject is designed to give the student a good grounding in the basic principles of biochemistry. Proteins as the workhorse of a living cell and as enzymes that carry out the various cellular functions that at times serve as suitable drug targets, will be presented. Basic metabolic strategies adopted by living cells for the generation of energy and aspects of cell regulation to do with receptors and secondary messengers will also be covered.
Learning Objectives:
- the organisation of living cells;
- the structure and function of molecules such as various proteins, carbohydrates, lipids etc. that are required for living cells;
- the role of enzymes in carrying out cellular reactions;
- the basic pathways of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and their role in energy production in living cells;
- the secondary messengers and how they fit into the picture with respect to inter and intracellular communication.
Assessment by one three-hour examination (75%); practical class, workshop and tutorial attendance as well as written laboratory assessment (25%).