Aquaculture: Feeds and NutritionAquaculture
HECS Band 2
24 hours lectures, 21 hours practicals and seminars. Semester 1.
Staff: Assoc. Professor P Southgate.
This subject discusses nutritional principles as they relate to aquatic organisms and the types of feeds used in aquaculture. Topics include major nutrients (structure, function and availability), nutritional requirements of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, physical and nutritional characteristics of live feeds, culture of live feeds, manufacture of various artificial diets, characteristics of artificial diets, feeding strategies used in aquaculture.
Learning Objectives:
- an understanding of the principles of nutrition and the nutritional requirements of cultured aquatic organisms;
- detailed knowledge of the physical and nutritional characteristics of the various live and artificial feeds in aquaculture;
- an understanding of the production methods used for live and artificial feeds in aquaculture;
- an understanding of current problems and future research directions for aquaculture feeds development.
Assessment by a two-hour final examination (50%); practical reports and seminar presentations (50%).