James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Anthropology Honours 4

Townsville, Cairns

HECS Band 1

78 hours seminars. Semester 1 and 2.

Availability — consult Head of School.

Staff: Dr D Miles (Townsville campus); Dr M Wood, Dr D Mitchell (Cairns campus).

This subject consists of an introduction to and critical appraisal of current literature and research trends in the discipline of anthropology. One of the primary objectives of this subject is to take students beyond the theoretical and ethnographic foundations established in levels 1, 2 and 3 anthropology subjects. One of the other key objectives of this subject is to establish a solid understanding of and familiarity with the requirements, methods, practices and techniques associated with anthropological research.

Learning Objectives:

  1. identify and discuss current trends, issues and debates in anthropology;
  2. discuss and critically assess the merits of different methodological approaches;
  3. identify the ethical, disciplinary, political and practical implications of anthropological research;
  4. initiate and satisfactorily complete a short-term research project;
  5. apply research methods and disciplinary ethics to their own work and writing.

Assessment by seminar attendance/participation/presentation (10%); essays (30%); thesis (60%).