James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


1.  Granting of an Award of the University

Candidates who have fulfilled the conditions of the Requirements for the Award in which they are enrolled and have complied with all Statutes and other Requirements applicable to them may be granted the Award.

2.  Approval of Course of Study

Each candidate’s personal course of study and any modifications of that course shall require the approval of the Executive Dean of the appropriate faculty for each year of candidature.

3.  Concurrent Enrolment

A candidate shall not enrol concurrently for any other degree or diploma of this or any other institution of higher education without the written permission of the Executive Dean of the appropriate faculty or in the case of joint or interfaculty degrees, the Executive Deans of the appropriate faculties.

4.  Maximum Enrolment

The maximum enrolment for any candidate will normally be restricted to 16 units per semester without the special approval of the Executive Dean of the appropriate faculty. The normal enrolment for a full-time candidate is 24 units in an academic year.

5.  Normal Period of Candidature

A three year degree requires 72 units and is normally completed in three years of full-time study or the part-time equivalent; a four year degree requires 96 units and is normally completed in four years of full-time study or the part-time equivalent.

Candidates’ attention is drawn to the Re-enrolment Requirements which require that candidates progress with their studies in accordance with the conditions set down by those Requirements.

6.  Enrolment Status

A full-time candidate for any particular year is one who in that year enrols for subjects to the value of at least 18 units.

A part-time candidate for any particular year is one who in that year enrols for subjects to the value of less than 18 units.

7.  Completion of a Subject

To complete a subject a candidate shall, in the one academic year, fulfil the requirements of the appropriate school as approved by the appropriate faculty for that subject in regard to attendance at lectures and classes, presentation of oral, written, practical and field work and satisfactory performance in examinations or in other forms of assessment. These conditions will be specified in each subject outline issued at the commencement of the subject.

8.  Prerequisite Subjects

Except with faculty permission, granted on advice from the Head of the appropriate School, a candidate may not enrol for any subject until a passing grade has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects or other conditions have been met as detailed in the Master Schedule of subjects.

9.  Inadmissible Subjects

Where two subjects are listed in the Master Schedule of subjects as an inadmissible subject combination, credit may be gained for only one of the subjects.

10.  Professional Experience

Where a course includes prescribed professional or clinical placements, students may be required to undertake such placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled at their own expense.

11.  Withdrawal from Subjects by Candidates

A candidate who withdraws from a subject after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty shall be deemed to have failed in the subject unless the faculty is satisfied that there are special reasons for waiving this provision.

12.  Grades Awarded

A candidate’s performance in a subject shall be classified as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) or graded within the following range:

Schools will inform students of the criteria for each grade in each subject.

13.1  Honours

The degree with honours may be taken with honours in a single discipline or with combined honours in two disciplines.

13.2  The examination for the degree with honours shall be as designated by the Head of the appropriate School and shall be by:

13.3  The Bachelor Degree with Honours may be awarded in the following classes:

14.  Credit for Previous Studies

An Executive Dean may give a candidate credit towards an award of this University for subjects completed at this or another University within the limits indicated in the policy statement on credit transfer approved by each faculty.