James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Coordinated by the School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, the Graduate Diploma of Science, Master of Applied Science in Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology are flexible programs which aim to provide training in the principles and techniques of marine ecology and fisheries biology in tropical environments, including coral reefs.

Prospective students should consult with the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Rules, each student’s program, including weighting of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual candidate’s background and requirements. A minimum enrolment of 10 students is required for each coursework unit.

MB5003:03 Fisheries Science*
MB5300:03 Sampling and Experimental Design** (intensive unit)
MB5310:03 Tropical Fisheries Biology and Management* (intensive unit)
ZL5003:03 Biometrics***
*Compulsory for students taking the GDipSc, MAppSc or MSc and specialising in Fisheries Biology.
**Compulsory for all students taking the GDipSc, MAppSc or MSc in Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology.
***Compulsory for students taking the GDipSc, MAppSc or MSc unless they have passed subjects which are deemed equivalent.


Consult Course Coordinator for elective information.