James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Marine Biology offers a postgraduate teaching program with an emphasis on Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology. Coursework subjects cater for students seeking a Graduate Diploma, Master of Applied Science or Master of Science in these fields, but may also be taken by postgraduate students with more general interests who wish to enrol for an MSc in the field of Marine Biology. Students seeking qualifications in the field of Environmental Studies are encouraged to take selections of these subjects. They consist of semester long introductory offerings in the fields of Quantitative Marine Ecology, Fisheries Science and Marine Conservation as well as more advanced intensive studies in these subject areas. Postgraduate work within Marine Biology emphasises quantitative and analytical approaches. Commencing students, including those enrolling for PhD programs, are encouraged to enrol for coursework subjects in these areas. Further details of these subjects and assistance in planning of postgraduate study programs can be obtained in the first instance from the School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture.

MSc and PhD

Students can study for the degrees of MSc and PhD under the supervision of one or more members of the academic or research staff in Marine Biology. Associate supervision by staff members of other University Schools and by staff members of the Australian Institute of Marine Science may be arranged. Students seeking enrolment in the MSc program may be required to undertake a GDipResMeth or GCertResMeth within the Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology program. Marine Biology students may also participate in inter-school Graduate Diploma of Science courses and the MSc programs in Zoology (Tropical Ecology) and Environmental Studies.

MAppSc and GDipSc

Students seeking qualifications in the Master of Applied Science or the Graduate Diploma of Science in the discipline of Marine Biology may complete all of their study in coursework mode.