James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


The University is internationally recognised for its expertise in many facets of environmental and ecological research. It is an excellent base from which to study rainforest, woodland, savanna, stream, wetland, coral reef, mangrove, seagrass, soft bottom benthic and open water pelagic environments.

Located within or close to Townsville are the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the CSIRO Davies Laboratory, the northern regional centre of the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environment and the Museum of Tropical Queensland.

The Cooperative Research Centres for Reef Research, Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management and the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research are also based at the University.

Where appropriate, field study and research programs take advantage of the University’s research station on Orpheus Island, the research vessel (James Kirby) as well as field stations in rainforest (Paluma and Kirrama), savanna (‘Fletcherview’ and Lake Dalrymple) and at Horn Island in Torres Strait. The University has a well equipped Advanced Analytical Centre, Geographical Information Systems Laboratory and Cartographic Centres.

The University currently offers coordinated postgraduate studies leading to awards of Graduate Diploma of Science, Master of Applied Science and Master of Science in the following programs:

Aquaculture; Aquatic Ecology; Conservation Biology; Environmental Chemistry; Meteorology and Oceanography; Fisheries Science; Geographical and Land Information Systems and Spatial Analysis; Protected Area Management; Tropical Agriculture; Tropical Ecology; Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology; Wildlife Biology and Management.

See details under the appropriate headings.