James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002



The degree consists of four schedules: Engineering/Technology Core, Management Core, Electives and Research. The research project may be taken in any discipline within the School of Engineering, or in selected areas in Earth Sciences, Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography, or Management subject to approval by the Head of School.

Subjects offered in the program are drawn from the Schools of Engineering, Earth Sciences, Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography and Business.

The program can be undertaken on a part-time or full-time basis.

Most of the subjects are given in intensive mode (few days to 2-3 weeks duration) or in flexible reading mode making it convenient for candidates to pace and schedule the program according to their time availability and convenience.

Many subjects are also available at Cairns campus or can be undertaken away from Townsville. This allows Cairns residents to complete a major part of the program while at Cairns minimizing the period required at Townsville.