Chemical Engineering
Sugar Processing
Control of vacuum pans.Modelling of crystallisers.
Novel sugar extraction processes.
By products from molasses, bagasse and filter mud.
Sugar dryer modelling.
Process modelling for waste minimisation.
Mineral Processing
Electro-refining and electrowinning of copper.Fluid dynamics and slimes transport in electro refining cells.
Metal extraction kinetics (Nickel/Cobalt separation).
Fire and Safety
Catalytic combustion involving heat transfer.Modelling of heat transfer across fire retardant coatings.
Rheology and Surface Forces
Rheology of complex fluids.Surface chemistry and rheology of colloidal dispersions.
Surface forces in colloidal dispersions.
Control of particulate fluid rheology of surface forces.
Viscoelastic behaviour of sugar molasses.
Flocculation and dewatering of tailings.
Pipeline transportation.
Acid mine drainage and acid sulphate soils
Acid mine drainage of tailing dam.
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering has a significant role in three Cooperative Research Centres and especially in the Reef Research Centre.
The principal research interests at present are in the following fields:
Ocean and Coastal Engineering
Studies of waves, water circulation and storm surge in the Great Barrier Reef region have been research interests for many years. Numerical modelling of these phenomena, is a specialisation of the School. Related projects include:Simulation of tropical cyclone storm surge.
Numerical modelling of Great Barrier Reef circulation.
Wave prediction in coral reef areas.
Determination of the frequency of coastal flooding.
Numerical modelling of dredge plume movement.
Great Barrier Reef Engineering guidelines: design, construction and operation.
The School has a long history of postgraduate training and research in geotechnical engineering. There are research projects in a wide variety of geotechnical problem areas including:Seismic piezocone penetrometer investigations in soft soils.
Slope stability in tropical environments.
Resistance of short piers to combined uplift and lateral loading.
Bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations in granular soils.
Strengths and compressibility of clays.
Reliability-based geotechnical designs.
Artificial neural networks, application in geomechanics.
Characteristics of soft clays of coastal North Queensland.
Mine tailings and stability.
Computational geomechanics.
Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics
Advances in analytical, numerical and experimental techniques are collectively employed to examine in detail the following natural convection problems:- differentially heated rectangular cavities;
- a reservoir side-arm.
Specific fluid mechanic features under current research are:
Vertical thermal/viscous boundary layers.
Stratified intrusions.
Side-arm circulation due to incident radiation.
These research problems are related to a variety of areas in the engineered and natural environment eg building ventilation, reservoir water quality and both near-shore and coastal ocean engineering.
Structural Engineering
Structural engineers design and supervise the construction of a wide range of structural forms including buildings, bridges, dams, towers, off-shore oil and gas platforms, tanks and silos. Structural engineering techniques are also used in the design of mine shafts, tunnels and large underground chambers to provide facilities such as car parks or power stations.Research activities in structural engineering are both analytical and experimental in nature and are directed at investigations into:
Bending, buckling and dynamic behaviour of fibre-reinforced composite plates.
Strength of concrete-filled steel tubular beams and columns.
Rehabilitation and retrofitting of timber, steel and concrete structural members by advanced composite jacketing.
Non-destructive characterisation of flaws in composite structures.
Time-invariant and time-variant reliability analysis of structural elements and systems.
Reliability assessment of existing structures subject to deterioration.
Analysis and assessment of concrete bridges.
The analytical work relies heavily on the use of modern computer techniques.
Wind Engineering
A strong interest in the engineering aspects of tropical cyclones has been developed within the school. A major aspect of this work is the design of buildings, particularly housing, to resist strong winds. It involves wind tunnel measurements, structural testing and analytical studies and is undertaken in collaboration with the James Cook Cyclone Structural Testing Station, a special research and development unit located within the School. Specific areas of research include:Wind tunnel measurement of wind forces on structures and wind velocity fields.
Analysis of damage risk from tropical cyclones.
Development of criteria for design against tropical cyclones.
Improving comfort level in houses through natural ventilation.
Structural behaviour of housing construction under wind loads (including full-scale house testing).
Computer modelling of structural behaviour of houses.
Systems Engineering and Transportation
Systems Engineering is the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to the planning, design, evaluation, construction and management of complex problem situations within both man-made and natural environments. Particular interests include studies of transportation and energy systems, marine systems and environmental systems. These interests are reflected in the following projects:Development of an operational model of a single bulk export commodity port.
Transportation systems analysis including safety, congestion, energy and environmental considerations.
Hospital theatre management and information systems.
Operations management in the agriculture sector.
Sustainable transportation and sustainable cities.
True cost of road travel.
Highway safety and vision zero.
Environmental Engineering
Protecting and sustaining the environment is possibly the greatest challenge humans face. Environmental Engineering at James Cook emphasises environmental planning, waste management, site rehabilitation and air, water and noise pollution control.Particular areas of research interests include:
Environmental impacts of civil engineering projects.
Water quality modelling of reservoir.
Solid and hazardous waste management.
Aerator testing facility for aquaculture and waste treatment industries.
Aquacultural engineering for design of hatcheries, ponds and netpens.
Aquaculture effluent treatment with sediment traps and mangroves.
Eco-sustainability and energy audits for all types of industries.
Stormwater treatment for urban developers and agriculture.
CFD modelling of aerator driven flows in aquaculture ponds.
Improved river bank stabilisation practices in the wet tropics.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
RF Electronics
High power linear amplifier for mobile radio.Analogue to Digital Conversion Techniques and Systems.
Satellite Communications/Remote Sensing
DSP-based satellite beacon receivers and radiometers and their data logging systems.A low-cost receiving system for weather satellites (JCUMetSat).
Satellite signal attenuation due to rain, including research on effects of elevation angle on satellite receivers in areas of heavy rain, analysis of radar-derived rainfall patterns and determination of rain-rate patterns.
Biomedical Electronic Systems
Biomedical instrumentation, automatic feeding and weighing system for small native animals in the wild.A range of aids has been developed, including computer interfaces for people with disabilities and a synthesised voice communication system for persons with severe muscular disabilities.
Control Systems
Robust and optimal control systems.Robotic systems, including autonomous robotic vehicles and instrumentation.
Process control systems.
System identification.
Digital Systems
Embedded microprocessor systems for industrial and research applications.Digital Communication Systems.
COFDM.Data communication systems.
Spread-Spectrum Techniques.
Microwave over-ocean propagation.
Development of a range of communications instruments, including a Spread-Spectrum Network Analyser, a FM Exciter using DSP techniques and Microwave radiometers.
Non-contact distance measurements using radar.Data Acquisition Systems for industrial and research applications, including satellite transmission analysis, environment monitoring and control, power system transient recording, remote data loggers and embedded monitoring systems.
Industrial application of microwaves, including systems to monitor height and materials in hazardous environments, furnace temperature measurements using microwave radiometers and control systems for harvesting machinery.
Environmental (temperature, humidity etc) monitoring and data logging.
Power Systems/Applications
ELF field investigations.Automatic detection of power lines for wire-strike avoidance systems.
Power system analysis techniques.
High voltage measurements and applications, power quality condition monitoring.
Power system protection, surge protection.
Microwave Superconductivity and Dielectric Measurements
Measurements of surface resistance of superconducting materials at microwave frequencies.Measurements of microwave properties of superconducting and dielectric materials for communication systems.
Applications of high Tc devices in wireless communication.
Power handling capabilities of high Tc films.
Superconducting microwave passive circuits.
Superconducting filters for mobile radio base stations.
Engineering Education
Student learning.Appropriate pedagogies for engineering.
Flexible learning and teaching through resource-based and Internet-supported methodologies.
Mechanical Engineering
Application of computational porous media mechanics to the crushing of prepared sugar cane.
Experimental determination of the fundamental properties of sugar cane and bagasse.
Development of the advanced experimental milling facility.
Computational modelling of crystallisation.
CFD Modelling of pan boiling.
Natural convection in cavities.
Acoustic imaging of bubble formation.
CFD modelling of splash mechanics in molten liquid.
Particle image velocimetry.
Fracture mechanics.
Calibration of elasto-plastic constitutive models.
Finite element modelling of hyper-elastic materials.
Finite element analysis of non-linear material and geometric problems.
Development of friction models for contact mechanics.
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
Experimental methods in natural convection heat transfer.
Thermal radiation heat transfer.
The mechanics and thermodynamics of rotational-moulding.
Discrete element modelling. Applications include dragline bucket filling, ore-pass mechanics and bulk material handling systems.
Characterisation of blasted rock and soil as a continuum and at a discrete level.
Heat transfer analysis of furnace tap holes including solidification.
Development of advanced insulation materials.
Applications in solar energy technology.
Characterisation of solar radiation on the earth surface.
Remote area power generation.
Development of finite element procedures for large strain modelling and contact.
Vibration control.
Mathematical and experimental modelling of the vibration of plates.
Active control techniques to minimise noise and vibration. Application areas include ship structures, submarines and aircraft.
Fundamental research into image tensor analysis for constitutive model validation.
Tribology and wear.
Characterisation of particle shape/morphology. The study of wear particles for machine condition monitoring.
Application of artificial intelligence techniques to wear and condition monitoring.
Integration of wear particle analysis with vibration condition monitoring.
Development of flexible delivery teaching tools for computational engineering.