James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Present research activities are in five main areas.

Economic Geology

Studies of metalliferous ore deposits including gold, base metals, iron ore, uranium and rare metals, tin and tungsten. Factors in the formation of giant ore deposits. Role of fluids, metamorphism and deformation in the generation of ore deposits. Structural control of ore systems. Evaluation and exploitation of coalseam gas resources.

Structural and Metamorphic Geology

Structural studies at all scales of mountain belts and their development: both ancient and modern orogens are investigated using new microstructural tools that allow past directions of bulk shortening and their changes with time to be correlated with the progressive metamorphic development. Structural and metamorphic studies that investigate processes and mechanisms of deformation and metamorphism in a fully integrated manner using a combined microstructural and chemical approach. Investigations into the structural timing and controls on the origin and development of large-scale ore deposits in particular sites with the specific aim of being able to predict the location of ore bodies with no surface geophysical or geochemical expression in mineralised terrains. Metamorphic reactions during deformational and thermal events and the inter-relationships between them.

Marine and Sedimentary Geology

Sedimentary response of the north Queensland continental shelf to the post-glacial rise in sea-level. Sediment production and distribution and the influence of terrestrial runoff on sedimentation and water chemistry in the Great Barrier Reef province. Sedimentation from the Great Barrier Reef shelf edge into the Queensland trough. Sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology of Neogene strata and the role of sea-level change in determining sedimentary architecture. Deep ocean sedimentary and geochemical evidence of palaeoenvironmental change. Fluvial and coastal processes. Origin and extraction of gas hydrates.

Regional Geology and Tectonics

Evaluation of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic terranes and palaeoenvironmental assessment of the Cretaceous System in northern Australia. Tectonostratigraphic assessment of assemblages in the northern Tasman Orogenic Zone. Stratigraphy and palaeontology of Queensland Palaeozoic sequences. Study of the morphology and petrogenesis of very young flood basalt flows in north Queensland. Characterisation of the processes during granite cyrstallisation, pegmatite emplacement and magmatic fluid evolution.

Environmental Geology and Minesite Rehabilitation (Cairns)

Studies on the hydrology, sedimentology and soil science of mine sites. Hydrology of final pit voids. Environmental radioactivity, geochemistry and biogeochemistry of uranium mines. Smelter emissions at historic base metal mine sites and weathering of slag heaps. Stream sediment and water pollution due to mining and acid sulphate soil formation. Soil pollution as a result of anthropogenic activities and natural processes. Noble metal chemistry of sewage sludge and extraction of metals from biosolids.