James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Entitlement to enrol

Students who aspire to and are eligible for a place in the DETYA-funded Research Training Scheme, but:

  1. have not completed an honours degree, which includes a significant research project; or
  2. have completed an appropriate honours degree, but do not meet faculty entry requirements for a Masters by Research degree.

It is expected that students who have successfully completed a four-year degree will normally enrol in the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods; those who have completed a three-year degree will normally enrol in the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods unless they can demonstrate substantial relevant experience.

Both courses will be offered at the postgraduate level.

1.  Objectives

To determine whether the student has the capacity for independent research.

2.  To provide training in research methods appropriate to the research aspirations of the student.

3.  To provide other training in advanced coursework as required.

4.  To fulfil the University’s confirmation of candidature requirements for a Research Masters degree.

1.  Requirements for Graduate Diploma of Research Methods

A candidate for the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods shall follow a course of study to obtain a minimum of 24 coursework and research units, as required by their Head of School. The units should be chosen to enable the student to complete the University’s confirmation of candidature requirements for a Research Masters degree.

2.  Entry to the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods shall normally require a three year bachelors degree in the relevant discipline with a third year grade point average of at least credit average.

3.  The requirements for the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods shall normally be completed in not less than two semesters of full-time study. Credit may be granted for recognised prior learning.

1.  Requirements for Graduate Certificate of Research Methods

A candidate for the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods shall follow a course of study to obtain a minimum of 12 coursework and research units, as required by their Head of School. The units should be chosen to enable the student to complete the University’s Confirmation of Candidature requirements for a Research Masters degree.

2.  Entry to the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods shall normally require a four year bachelors degree in the relevant discipline with a fourth year grade point average of at least credit average. On recommendation by the Head of School and with approval of the faculty, candidates that have successfully completed all relevant coursework within a three year bachelors degree with a third year grade point average of at least a credit average may also be permitted entry.

3.  The requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods shall be completed in not less than one semester of full-time study.

Award Abbreviation
Graduate Certificate of Research Methods GCertResMeth
Graduate Diploma of Research Methods GDipResMeth