The Institute, located on the Townsville Campus, serves the interests of persons whose needs in the modern language area are not met by secondary schools or by the University. IML courses are not degree courses, but in certain circumstances, some of the courses may be credited towards some of the Universitys degrees.
Language classes are open to the general public, and also to staff and students of the University, upon payment of the prescribed fee. There are no entrance qualifications for elementary courses.
Courses are offered, subject to adequate enrolments, at Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced levels and may include the following: Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Other languages may be offered if demand is expressed. The emphasis in the courses is predominantly on the skills required for active spoken communication.
The IML also offers a 12 month correspondence course in Creative Writing.
Language classes are usually two hour sessions once weekly for 12 weeks. They normally run from 7.00pm till 9.00pm. Full use may be made of the Self-Access Centre and in some cases a tape-copying facility may be available (subject to copyright law). Certificates of Attendance will be issued to all students who have satisfactory attendance and performance and a Graded Achievement Certificate is available to students who pass optional examinations held at the end of courses.
The Institute also provides language consultancy services to Federal and State Government departments and authorities and to private sector businesses.
The IML Application Form may be obtained from the Secretary at the School of Humanities Office in Room EM114 or EM008, English/Modern Languages Building, Western Campus Townsville.
Computing, Communications and Information Systems and Resources
Information Technology and Resources (IT&R), an office of the Academic Support Division, provides Computing and Communications infrastructure and Information Systems and Resources. Information is maintained on the web and of particular note is the information provided in ITRs Welcome to JCU, which details important information for all new members of the JCU community. It is a handy pointer to available resources and those where charges may apply should usage exceed allocated quotas.
IT&R coordinates provision and maintenance of computing and communications hardware, electronic mail and directory services, news, web and access and authentication network services and electronic and traditional information resources. IT&R maintains general access and teaching to the computer laboratories, audio visual and video conferencing infrastructure in Common Teaching Rooms and telephony services.
IT&R coordinates provision and maintenance of access to and connectivity from JCUN, the Local Area Network (LAN), for our multi-campus University. JCUN is linked to the Internet via the Australian Academic and Research Network (AARNet). Off campus access to JCUN is facilitated by agreement with Telstra Bigpond Campus or via an ISP of choice.
All new clients are issued with computer account codes and usage information. If this information is not received, help is available from the InfoHelp client services in Townsville and Cairns. Computer account codes can only be provided on presentation of a current ID card which is received as part of the enrolment process. All members of the University community should maintain a knowledge of the published Computer Usage Guidelines.
Document Services
Document Services provides:
- book, AV, and AV equipment lending services
- reserve loans
- intercampus loans and photocopies
- off campus library services
- interlibrary loans and film loans and hire
- copying services.
Details of these services are available in brochures from the library buildings in Cairns, Douglas and Vincent and from the World Wide Web at
Telephone: |
Cairns (07) 4042 1020 |
Douglas (07) 4781 6870 |
Vincent (07) 4781 3114. |
General Access and Teaching Computer Laboratories
The laboratories, available round the clock, are located on each campus. Access to these workshops require a current student card for door swipe access and a login ID. Replacement student cards are available from Admissions. These laboratories are located on all campuses and up to date information is maintained on the web at
Infohelp Services
InfoHelp is a one-stop information shop for assistance with:
- finding information for essays and assignments
- resolving computer problems
- anything to do with information resources or information technology
- using online databases, full-text journals and other resources
- searching the World Wide Web
- developing information literacy and research skills
- computer accounts and passwords
- disk problems and data recovery
- assistance with email and the internet.
Telephone: |
Townsville (07) 4781 5500 |
Cairns (07) 4042 1029 |
Email: |
Web: |
Information Training Services
Training provided for students includes:
- finding, using and citing information
- using Library catalogues and electronic databases
- accessing print and electronic resources
- using email
- using the General Access and Teaching Computer Facilities
- introductory computing skills
- searching the World Wide Web.
Specialised and discipline-specific research skills are also offered.
Details of all Information Training courses are available from InfoHelp and, for discipline-specific courses, from School teaching staff.
InfoHelp coordinates orientation sessions at the start of each semester. Up-to-date information on these sessions is made available during Orientation Weeks.
Library Services
Library services are provided from dedicated facilities at:
- the Cairns Campus Library building
- the Townsville (Douglas) Campus Library building
- the Vincent Centre in Townsville (VC 005).
Library services may also be obtained through:
- the Mackay Campus Library of Central Queensland University
- the Mt Isa Institute of TAFE Library
- selected other libraries by arrangement through JCU
- remote students may use JCUs Off-Campus Library Service.
Brochures on library services are available from all service centres or on the World Wide Web at
The Conditions for use of University Library Facilities are printed in all editions of the Student Handbooks and are available on the World Wide Web.
All students of the University are required to be members of the Student Association. Provision is made also for Associate Membership, a category of membership which embraces most other members of the University community.
The Student Association is responsible for the coordination and promotion of student activities and interests, and the provision of services and facilities. Its objectives are:
- to promote interest in the life, activities and progress of the University community and generally to further the aims and objects of the University community as a whole;
- to represent members of the Association in all matters affecting or of concern to students within the University and in the wider community;
- to work on behalf of all students for an education that is accessible, equitable and free from discrimination;
- to advance the interests and welfare of members of the Association;
- to advocate for, and where appropriate establish, operate and maintain facilities and services for the benefit of the members of the Association;
- to establish and maintain a means of communication between members of the Association and of the University academic staff and officers and the community generally;
- to support and promote the principles of universal membership of student representative organisations;
- to sponsor and promote educational, social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities among members of the Association;
- to provide and maintain for members of the Association a common meeting ground and social centre;
- to provide a forum for the dissemination, discussion and debate of information and knowledge about matters of student or public interest; and
- to represent its members in matters affecting their interests, sectarian and confessional religion and party politics excepted.
The Associations Administrative Office is situated at Douglas Campus. A fully maintained Cairns Campus Student Association office is located at Smithfield in Cairns.
The annual Association Service Fee* paid by students provides for a wide range of services and amenities administered by the Student Association. These include: campus entertainment; student accident insurance; legal service; taxation help; financial planning; emergency welfare loans; allowances/Austudy and Abstudy advice; HECS information; conflict resolution; grievance advice; information, education and resources relating to welfare, health and lifestyle issues; various news-sheets and publications throughout the year (Bullsheet weekly and, at Smithfield, Bedlam monthly) and sponsorship of various student sporting clubs and societies. The Student Association has representatives at both Townsville and Cairns Campuses who can assist as follows:
- A Welfare Coordinator is employed to assist with Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy, sexual harassment problems, security and safety concerns, tenancy and other student accommodation issues and other welfare enquiries.
- The Academic Support Services Coordinator can help with academic problems including interpretation of rules and procedures, review of examination results and grades, timetable clashes and conflict with University staff, both academic and administrative.
Casual, part-time and vacation employment assistance is offered to those students who find it necessary to supplement their sources of income while at JCU through the Student Employment Service.
At Smithfield a legal service is offered by a solicitor from the Cairns Community Legal Centre on a fortnightly basis. Enquiries regarding legal and other services should be directed to the Cairns Campus Coordinator.
Students may apply to the Student Association for a refund of their Association Service Fees if they formally cancel or vary their enrolment from full-time to part-time or full year to single semester by the dates shown in the schedule of fees, page 30.
The Student Association operates and subsidises the following facilities: Catering the Refectory, Nursing Cafe, Western Campus Canteen, Vincent Canteen; a licensed Club (Rococos Licenced Café); Fitness Centre/Gymnasium; a Media Centre; the Association Shop (including EFTPOS, Kodak film processing agencies and drycleaning); conference facilities, parenting room and disabled toilet and a community Childcare Centre on campus. The Centre provides care for children up to five years. As there is a limited number of places for children of any age, the Centre should be contacted at the earliest possible time.
BankingSituated in the Student Services Mall, Douglas Campus, is The Mac Shop (computers); Travel Agent; a Coffee Lounge, a Hair Salon and the Post Office. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia and UniCredit Union Ltd have Automatic Teller Machine facilities in the Mall.
The Student Association has catering facilities, an Association Shop and a licensed club at the Cairns Campus.
The Student Association is governed by Student Association Council consisting of the Management Committee, specific portfolio officers and general representatives, all of whom are elected annually by and from the ordinary members.
The Cairns Campus Student Association is governed by a Management Committee of 15 members elected annually.
Enquiries regarding Association Service Fees, services or facilities offered, should be directed in the first instance to:
Townsville Campus
The enquiry counter located on the ground floor of the Student Association Administration Building, telephone (07) 4781 4400 or internal extension numbers 4478/4400 or free call 1800 330 021.
The address for all correspondence is:
James Cook University Student Association |
PO Box 1 |
James Cook University |
Townsville QLD 4811. |
Cairns Campus
The Student Association offices situated next to the Refectory on the ground floor of Building 2, Smithfield Campus, telephone (07) 4042 1160 or internal 1160, facsimile (07) 4042 1161 or internal 1161.
The address for all correspondence is:
James Cook University Student Association |
James Cook University |
PO Box 6811 |
Cairns QLD 4870. |
Manager of Student Services:
Jennifer Promnitz BA JamesCook PhD JamesCook MBA JamesCook MAPS
Accommodation Service
Accommodation Officers
Townsville Campus
Cairns Campus
Ann Lucey
The Accommodation Service on the Townsville and Cairns campuses assists students to find suitable accommodation either in on-campus colleges or halls of residence (Townsville only) or off-campus in private rental or share accommodation. For students preferring off-campus accommodation, the Accommodation Service maintains a register of houses, units, granny flats, share accommodation and full board.
The Accommodation Service also provides advice on tenancy and other housing related problems. The Service is actively involved in advocating for better student housing in the wider community.
For further information on student residences please see page 43.
Townsville Campus
The Accommodation Service is located on the first floor of the Student Services Mall.
Telephone: (07) 4781 4148 |
Facsimile: (07) 4781 5488 |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
The Accommodation Service is located in the Student Services Centre in Building A1.
Telephone: (07) 4042 1150 |
Facsimile: (07) 4042 1204 |
Email: |
Counselling Centre
Jennifer Promnitz BA JamesCook PhD JamesCook MBA JamesCook MAPS
Townsville Campus
Elsa Germain MClinPsych Flin BPsych JamesCook MAPS
Jackie Downs BPsych JamesCook RN RSCN (UK) MAPS
Cairns Campus
Kelli Harris BPsych JamesCook MAPS
The Counselling Centre offers a service to students and staff which is free, confidential and independent of other administrative functions in the University. Personal counselling is conducted by qualified psychologists and typically involves problems such as loneliness, shyness, stress, depression, anxiety, uncertainty about the future, communication difficulties, family and relationship problems, pain and headaches, and eating disorders. Students who experience extreme anxiety in examinations, or who find it difficult to function effectively for personal or emotional reasons are urged to consult the Counselling Centre early in the year.
Townsville Campus
The Counselling Centre is located in the Student Services Building and is staffed between 9.00am and 5.00pm weekdays including vacations. For an appointment please call Janet OCallaghan.
Telephone: (07) 4781 4711 |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
The Personal Counsellor is located in the Student Services Centre in Building A1. For an appointment please call Brigitte McKaskill.
Telephone: (07) 4042 1150 |
Email: |
University Doctors Surgery
Townsville Campus
Medical services provided by:
Doctors Brown, Nan Tie, Hogg, Pemberton, McManus, King and Stewart.
Nursing Sister:
Jo Clark
Telephone: (07) 4781 4152
The University Doctors Surgery is available to all students and staff of the University, whether full-time or part-time. Children of students and staff may also attend the Centre if the children are based on campus (eg attending childcare). The Centre is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm weekdays during each semester with a doctor in attendance from 9.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm. Doctors hours are reduced during study and semester breaks.
Consultations at the Centre are generally at no cost to students, being bulk-billed through Medicare. Where applicable, fees for services not covered by Medicare are met by the patient. Examples of these are some injections and employment medicals. Costs of prescription items and fees for specialist treatment are the responsibility of the patient. Staff can claim reimbursement through Medicare.
Cairns Campus
There is no Medical Centre located on the Cairns Campus. There is the James Cook Health and Medical Centre at 8 Maisel Close (just off McGregror Road), telephone 4057 8977, with another at the Campus Village Shopping Centre. The Smithfield Medical Centre has eight doctors available between the hours of 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 4.00pm Saturdays and Sundays.
An extended hours pharmacist is located next door to the Medical Centre. As the doctors will bulk bill Medicare, it is important that students have their own Medicare card. Appointments at the centre are recommended. Telephone (07) 4057 7300 to make an appointment.
Townsville and Cairns
It is important that students be aware of their ambulance cover and their medical insurance status, particularly in relation to specialist and hospital treatment. Some students may still be covered by family insurance cover and many should be eligible for a Health Care Card. Foreign students should have arranged private medical insurance before arriving on campus.
Careers and Employment Services
The Careers and Employment Service helps students to arrive at appropriate career decisions and to prepare for graduate employment. The Service provides career counselling and job search assistance to individuals and groups, maintains a careers library and arranges on-campus employer information sessions and recruitment. In conjunction with the JCU Student Association, the Service also provides a Student Employment Service that helps students find part-time and vacation employment.
Advisers:CareersCareers and Employment Service:
- contains a comprehensive careers, courses and job information library, including computer-assisted career guidance programs and student access to careers information on the Internet;
- conducts individual interviews and group discussions on matters relating to careers and employment;
- arranges for employers of graduates to visit the University to talk to students and interview for jobs;
- operates the Student Employment Service, in conjunction with the Student Association.
The Service is open to all students, ranging from prospective applicants through to final year students, as well as JCU graduates.
Townsville Campus
Careers and Employment Service is located on the first floor of the Student Services Building.
Career Adviser
Debby Hourston (07) 4781 4895
Student Employment Officer
Damien Watson (07) 4781 4437
Careers and Information Officer
Helen Hutton (07) 4781 4895 Email: Fax: (07) 4781 4700 Website:
Cairns Campus
Careers and Employment Service is located in the Student Services Centre in Building A1, Room 013.
Careers Adviser
Joanne Webster (07) 4042 1150
Student Employment Officer
Natasha Henningsen (07) 4042 1160 Email: Fax: (07) 4042 1204 Website:
Multifaith Chaplaincy Service
The Multifaith Chaplaincy Service is a free and confidential service. It offers spiritual and religious support, friendship and hospitality to students, staff and religious groups on the campuses. It also seeks to nurture an environment of dialogue and collaboration, of mutual esteem, reverence and harmony within the University community. A Quiet Room for study, rest and prayer and a Coffee Room are provided on the Townsville Campus while a Meditation Room is at times available on the Cairns Campus.
The Multifaith Chaplaincy Service offers:
Mentoring and Pastoral Care
Individual support and accompaniment in times of particular need, ones spiritual journey and the search for meaning.
Exploring and deepening a loving relationship with God.
Open Forums
Guided discussions on spiritual and religious topics where participants can articulate, clarify and evaluate their beliefs and values (Townsville Campus).
Personal Growth and Development
Workshops, seminars, lectures/talks and discussion groups on request.
Townsville Campus
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm. Appointments are required outside office hours.
Sr Lucy Kert fdcc Multifaith Chaplaincy Service (DE Building) James Cook University Townsville QLD 4811
Telephone: (07) 4781 5682 |
Mobile: 0417 793 455 |
Facsimile: (07) 4781 4423 |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
Office hours are Tuesday, 9.00am to 4.00pm. Appointments are welcome.
Ms Lesley Newman Multifaith Chaplaincy Service (Student Services, Room A1.013) James Cook University PO Box 6811 Cairns QLD 4870
Telephone: (07) 4042 1150 |
Facsimile: (07) 4042 1204 |
Email: |
For further information:
The Equal Opportunity Unit has three components: Equal Employment Opportunity (staff), Student Equity and Disability Resources.
Manager, Equal Opportunity:
Denese Thérèse Gray BA Syd FTCL
Student Equity
Student Equity Officers
Townsville Campus
Dominique Thiriet LisScNat Strasbourg PostGradDipResMgmt Canberra
Cairns Cairns
Lyn Roubos
Student Equity provides services to student groups which are not well represented in tertiary education. These groups include people from non-English speaking backgrounds, people from rural and isolated areas, people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and women in non-traditional areas of studies and higher degrees.
Student Equity produces the Equity Plan which outlines the Universitys equity strategies and initiatives.
The offices are located as follows:
Townsville Campus
Room 110, |
First Floor Humanities I Building. |
Telephone: (07) 4781 5879 |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
Student Services, |
Library Building. |
Telephone: (07) 4042 1562 |
Email: |
Disability Resources
Disability Resources Officers
Townsville Campus
Bill MacDonald |
Disability Resources Officer |
Ground Floor |
James Cook University Library |
Telephone: (07) 4781 5152 |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
Ros Calder |
Disability Resources Officer |
Library Building |
Student Services Centre |
Telephone: (07) 4042 1150 |
Email: |
The Disability Resources Officers provide information, advice and a range of services for students with disabilities, on a confidential basis to assist them with their studies.
Services may include:
- note taking support;
- accessories and equipment;
- alternative assessment;
- tutoring support;
- examination support;
- course materials in alternative formats;
- advocacy service;
- special parking permits;
- library assistance.
More detailed information is contained in the booklet Guide for Students with a Disability, available from the contacts listed above.
Associate Deans/Faculty Registrars are officers of the faculty who have the authority to approve student enrolments and changes to these enrolments. There is at least one Associate Dean/Faculty Registrar in each faculty.
Generally they are responsible for approving the following applications:
- change of course (enrolled students only);
- credit for previous studies;
- subject selection;
- waiving of prerequisite subjects;
- examination results;
- certification of completion of degree;
- variations to candidature for postgraduate coursework students.
Academic Advisers undertake the academic counselling of students, in matters that are school, program or discipline specific. They generally operate in an advisory capacity, but have signing delegation for student enrolment matters during the enrolment verification process.
Study Skills Advisers in both Cairns and Townsville conduct regular programs of workshops and offer individual consultations to all students requiring assistance with matters relating to study (eg., writing skills, reading and note taking, organisation, exam preparation and oral presentations).
In Townsville there are three advisers and each offers help in specific areas:
- Peter Hanley is available to help students in Science and Engineering:
Telephone: (07) 4781 5364 - June Bode is available to help students in Humanities and Social Sciences:
Telephone: (07) 4781 4510 - Gail Barnsbee is available to help students for whom English is a second language:
Telephone: (07) 4781 5365
Study Skills Advisers offices are located in the Student Services Building directly above the University Bookshop. Hours are 9.00am 5.00pm daily.
Contact can also be made by fax (07) 4781 4700.
In Cairns there are two advisers:
- Helen Treston is available to help students in Humanities and Social Sciences:
Telephone: (07) 4042 1153 - Alan Calder offers assistance with Science and Technology:
Telephone: (07) 4042 1146.
They are located in the Library Building. Contact can also be made by fax (07) 4042 1204.
More information about Study Skills is available in the Study Skills section of Learning Support on the JCU World Wide Web site, ( A printed program of classes is also available from the Study Skills Advisers on both campuses.
International Student Advisers:Overseas student advice
Townsville: Cheryl Robertson BA JamesCook
Cairns: Michelle Newstead BSc JamesCook
The International Student Advisers are available for consultation by students from overseas countries who are studying at James Cook University. The advisers assist students to settle into life in Townsville with minimal stress, providing advice and practical assistance with day to day problems which might arise concerning study, accommodation, social and welfare services and education. They are also the contact point in the event of emergency.
The International Student Advisers are part of the Universitys International Student Program and are located as follows:
Townsville Campus
International Student Centre Multipurpose Building. Telephone: (07) 4781 4108
Cairns Campus
General Enquiries Counter Telephone: (07) 4042 1438
Townsville Campus
The Bookshop is located in the Student Services Mall.
Telephone: (07) 4781 4812 |
Facsimile: (07) 4725 1209 |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
The Bookshop is located on the Ground Floor of Building A2.
Telephone: (07) 4042 1157 |
Facsimile: (07) 4042 1158 |
Email: |
Web: |
The University Bookshop caters primarily for the academic and technical requirements of students and staff. It sells texts, computer hardware and software, reference books, stationery and James Cook University publications. If a requested item is not in stock, the Bookshop will order it, with payment of a deposit.
Cash, EFTPOS, Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Cheques will be accepted only by prior arrangement. An application form is available at the Bookshop.
Townsville Campus
The James Cook University Post Office is located in the Student Services Mall, Douglas Campus. It provides a full range of postal services between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
There is also a post-box on the ring road near Block A, Western Campus. It is cleared at 6.00pm Sunday and at 2.30pm and 6.00pm each weekday.
Payments for telephone accounts, electricity, vehicle registration, QATB membership, Bankcard, Council rates, dog licences and Housing Commission loans may be made at the Post Office. The Post Office is also agent for the Commonwealth Bank, National Bank, Social Security, Portable Long Service, ELGAS, AGC, AMP, Citibank, DSH Insurance, Australian Alliance Insurance and the Workers Compensation Board.
Telephone: (07) 4779 7388.
Cairns Campus
There is a Post Office at the Smithfield shopping centre, approximately 1km south of the Cairns Campus.
Townsville Campus
Commonwealth Savings Bank facilities are available at the Post Office. EFTPOS facilities are available at the Association Shop between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm. Automatic teller machine facilities are available.
A Uni Credit automatic teller is also located in the Student Services Mall.
Cairns Campus
Branches of a number of major banks and building societies are located at the Smithfield shopping centre, about 1km south of the Cairns Campus.
Townsville Campus
UniCredit Union Limited operates a full services branch located in the Student Services Mall. Business hours are 9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Enquiries can be directed to the Townsville office on phone (07) 4779 9235 or 1300 360 841, fax (07) 4775 2966 or Email The website is
Internet Banking Service: e Branch
Cairns Campus
UniCredit Union members can withdraw from an EFTPOS facility located in the Bookshop. Business hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Traffic and parking is controlled. There are free parking and permit-controlled parking areas. Parking of vehicles is permitted only where signs specifically allow. Breaches may incur a monetary penalty. The speed limits displayed on signs around the campus should be observed.
All provisions of the Queensland Traffic Act apply on campus roads.
Application forms for parking permits can be obtained as follows:
Townsville Campus
The Reception desk in the Humanities II (Administration) Building or Central Services Office, in Demountable B.
Cairns Campus
The Central Services Office in Building A1.
Townsville Sunbus currently offers a service between Douglas (Townsville Campus) and the Vincent Centre.
The fare between the Townsville Campus and the Vincent Centre for a one-way trip is $1.50. The fare for travel within the Townsville Campus precinct is 60 cents. (Note: Student card required.)
Townsville Campus
For information concerning James Cook University sport in Townsville, including contact lists of over 40 sport and recreation clubs, contact Sport and Recreation.
Telephone: (07) 4781 5931
James Cook University boasts a range of sport and recreational facilities and programs that can be used by students and the public.
Northern University Games
Students are encouraged to nominate to represent their University in intervarsity sport and can compete in the Northern University Games in July or the Australian University Games in September.
Fisher Shield
College students can compete in 10 sports over the year against rival University Colleges.
Social Sport
A variety of social sports are offered to students with the focus on participation and social interaction.
JCU Sport-Fitness Centre (4781 5930)
The Centre is located in the Student Union Mall near the Association Shop. Aerobics, weight training and other exercise equipment is available.
Pool (4781 5936)
The pool is located at Western Campus and is open to students, staff and the public. Pool attendants are on duty whenever the pool is open.Swimming pool
Tennis courts and squash courts
There are four tennis courts located between the cricket and rugby ovals and further courts on the Western Campus. Three of the courts are lit. There are three squash courts, two located next to the Sport-Fitness centre and one next to the tennis courts. The courts are available for use 6.00am 10.00pm daily. Courts are to be booked at the Sport-Fitness Centre.
Basketball courts
There are three outdoor basketball courts, two are lit. These courts are located at Western Campus.
All facility bookings are to be made one week in advance. A form is to be filled out at the Centre.
Cairns Campus
Sporting facilities at the Cairns Campus are currently under development. Enquiries regarding booking of these facilities can be made at the General Enquiries counter in Building A1.
Townsville Campus
Long day care is available on campus in two community based childcare centres, giving a total of 115 places, including 34 places for children under two years.
For further information about availability of places, opening hours and fees contact the Directors of each centre:
James Cook University Student Association Childcare Centre
Telephone: (07) 4781 5934 |
Facsimile: (07) 4779 9547 |
Email: |
Unicare Centre
Telephone: (07) 4781 5633 |
Facsimile: (07) 4781 5733. |
Email: |
Cairns Campus
Smithfield Childcare Centre is a 61 place community based early childhood service. It is a Government funded Centre sponsored by JCU Student Association. It is regulated by the State Government regulations and is re-licensed every two years by the Department of Families, Youth and Community Care. The Centre is fully accredited with the National Childcare Accreditation Council.
For further information about availability of places, opening hours and fees contact:
Smithfield Childcare Centre |
Cheviot Street, Smithfield |
Telephone: (07) 4057 7866 |
Facsimile: (07) 4057 7821 |
Email: |
Student residential accommodation is available for students in both Townsville and Cairns. All new students receiving a QTAC offer for James Cook University will also receive application material for student residences with that offer.
Continuing and postgraduate students may contact the Accommodation Service for information and application forms. The Accommodation Service can also assist students to find private rental and share accommodation (see entry page 37, Accommodation Service).
TownsvilleResidence on campus Campus
There is on-campus accommodation for about 1300 students. The Accommodation Officer can be contacted on (07) 4781 4148.
Postgraduate students may also qualify for tutorships at colleges and halls of residence.
The Association of Heads of University Colleges and Halls (Townsville Chapter) supports the policy of James Cook University to prohibit sexual harassment.
The Accommodation Officer can also assist students looking for off-campus housing.
Telephone: (07) 4781 4148
Cairns Campus
Two student residences are available close to the Cairns Campus (see p.45). Together, these residences will house almost 300 students. The Accommodation Officer in Cairns can be contacted on (07) 4042 1150.
Senior Head of Colleges: Bruce R.A. Knight
University Hall Head of College: Julie-May Brown
Western Hall Head of College: John Roberts
The achieved aim of the University managed residential colleges is to provide superior facilities at the most economical cost.
JCU Halls of Residence provides accommodation for a combined total of 792 students in a variety of full board and self-catering rooms. The University residences are non-denominational and cater for men and women from Australia and overseas who attend university on a full-time basis as undergraduate or postgraduate students.
There are four Halls, two located on the Eastern Campus (Rotary International House and University Hall) and two on the Western Campus (Western Hall and George Roberts Halls of Residence).
JCU Halls of Residence enjoys all the facilities offered by other colleges, plus additional facilities at individual residences. Rotary International House has ergonomic study chairs, vanity washbasins and filing cabinets. University Hall and Western Hall have cable colour televisions in each room and a gym and theatrette. The George Roberts Halls of Residence have an air-conditioned lounge for each unit of three or four rooms.
Full details can be obtained from the Administration, JCU Halls of Residence at University Hall.
Telephone: |
(07) 4781 5777 (University Hall) |
(07) 4781 7999 (Rotary International House) |
(07) 4781 5888 (George Roberts Halls of Residence and Western Hall) |
Facsimile: |
(07) 4781 7185 (University Hall) |
(07) 4781 7977 (Rotary International House) |
(07) 4775 2146 (George Roberts Halls of Residence and Western Hall) |
George Roberts Halls of Residence is a new fully catered accommodation complex to be completed for full occupancy of 255 students by the start of the 2002 academic year.
The Halls are of modern style with fully furnished units of three or four bedrooms. Each unit has a common air-conditioned lounge area.
Senior Head of Colleges: Bruce R.A. Knight
Opened in 1992 an established small, non-denominational college with a family atmosphere which encourages unity in a diversity of cultures. A co-ed college with approximately 20 male and 20 female places. 60 percent are overseas students, 30 percent of which are usually postgraduate scholars.
This college is a self-catering establishment for residents who are self assured and considerate of others.
All applicants are interviewed by the Senior Head of Colleges.
Telephone: |
Senior Head of Colleges: (07) 4781 4092 |
Secretary: (07) 4781 4091 |
Facsimile: (07) 4771 0225 |
Email: |
Principal: Mr L.M. Marsh MSc NE
The John Flynn College is a fully-catered, coeducational collegiate residence affiliated with the Uniting and Lutheran Churches. It accepts up to 172 men and women of all races and faiths, from both within Australia and overseas. Residents are accommodated in single rooms, arranged in groups of 12 or fewer, sharing common room and bathroom facilities. Telephone and Ethernet connections to the University computer network and Internet are provided in all rooms. Resident tutors and assistants are available to provide residents with pastoral care and academic assistance on an informal basis.
For details of facilities fees and contracts, see the College website at
Telephone: |
Principal: (07) 4727 7500 |
Email: |
Warden: The Rev. Michael W. Merriman BA Texas MDiv GenTheolSem(NY)
St Marks is operated by the Anglican Church. It provides accommodation and meals to 153 residents. All are housed in single rooms in both mixed and single gender sections. Rooms have telephone and internet connections. College computer rooms are also provided and are online. Tutors are available for care and assistance. A chapel provides the opportunity for regular worship for those who are interested. TV and recreation spaces are provided and the Student Association organises regular sport and social events. St Marks welcomes all people regardless of race, nationality, or religion.
Further information and details of fees can be obtained from:
Warden, |
St Marks College |
Telephone: (07) 4779 5044 |
Facsimile: (07) 4775 6270 |
Email: |
Web: |
Principal: Mr Tom Tarttelin BSW JamesCook
St Pauls Residential College is operated by the Catholic Church. The College provides accommodation for 75 men and 75 women. Females and males are accommodated on separate floors. Students from all cultures and faiths are welcomed. Set within a quiet area of the campus, the College is within walking distance to all University facilities.
Reserved rooms are available for postgraduate and international students.
Residents are accommodation in fully furnished single study-bedrooms equipped with Internet and telephone. Rooms are serviced weekly, including bed linen. The College provides 20 meals per week (brunch on Sundays).
Academic and pastoral care are provided. The Principal, Assistants to the Principal and Tutors provide a rostered on call service to residents.
For further information contact:
Principal, |
St Pauls College |
Telephone: (07) 4727 7800 |
Facsimile: Facsimile: (07) 4725 4758 |
Email: |
Principal: Sr Carmel Bambridge SGS
St Raphaels College for women students, which was established in 1964 under the auspices of the Catholic Bishop of Townsville, welcomes students from all faiths and cultures. Students are accommodated in fully furnished single rooms and are provided with three meals a day. Rooms have phone and internet access. Facilities include a chapel, a library, a computer room, gym and sporting equipment, televisions, and other recreational equipment. Laundry and cleaning services are provided.
College pastoral care is a supportive structure for all students.
For futher information contact:
Principal |
St Raphaels College |
Telephone: (07) 4727 7200 |
Facsimile: (07) 4727 7282 |
Email: |
Situated only 400 metres from the University, Campus Student Lodge provides fully catered accommodation for 234 students. Facilities include a computer centre, swimming pool, barbeque area, volleyball courts, dining room and conference facilities. Campus Student Lodge is linked to the campus by a pedestrian walkway/bicycle path. Students are accommodated in single rooms, furnished with a bed, desk, wardrobe and fan.
For full details telephone (07) 4057 6599.
Purpose-built, self-catering student apartments are available at nearby Trinity Beach. Each apartment is fully self-contained (with television and microwave oven) and includes four bedrooms, furnished with a bed, wardrobe, desk and ceiling fan. A shared, furnished living room and fully equipped kitchen (with cutlery, crockery and fridge) are provided in each apartment. All study bedrooms incorporate a phone/computer outlet for gaining access to the Internet. The apartment grounds include BBQ facilities plus a basketball area. Trinity Beach is on the main bus route to the campus and the city, a ten minute walk to the beach and a five minute bicycle ride from the campus.
For full details:
Telephone: (07) 4057 7630 |
Mobile: 0407 164 857 |
Facsimile: (07) 4057 8769. |
The James Cook University Convocation consists of all graduates of the University, past and present members of the University Council, current full-time academic staff, heads of the residential colleges, some senior administrative staff and some graduates of the University of Queensland. Convocation also includes past members of the Council of the former Townsville College of Advanced Education who became eligible following amalgamation on 1 January 1982.
Membership of the Governing Body
An important function of Convocation is to elect members of the University Council every third year. Through these members, Convocation can play a significant role in the governance of the University.
At James Cook University we see our graduates and current students as being our most important partners in our future development. To assist this development, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bernard Moulden, established the Office of Advancement to support and work with the Universitys key stakeholders. Because of the importance that James Cook University gives to our graduates, the University and the northern Queensland community want to reward graduates for choosing to study at JCU. As a graduate of James Cook University, you are automatically a member of the Graduate Association and there is no need to apply for membership.
The Office of Advancement has established the JCU Graduate Reward Program, which includes generous packages in the areas of banking, travel, accommodation and conference facilities. You can be assured that these discounts are only available at this level to graduates of James Cook University. For more information on the Graduate Reward Program, please contact Graduate Affairs.
Email for Life
An additional benefit for JCU graduates is the new Email for Life. Students maintain their JCU email address on graduation. Incoming emails are redirected to the graduates new email address. As a result, friends can always stay in contact even years after graduation.
JCU Graduate Association Medal
This medal is awarded to the graduating student who, during their course of study, displays a high level of academic achievement and makes a significant contribution to the University in any or all of the following areas: sport, cultural activities, student welfare or fostering wider community relations.
Keeping in Touch
Graduate Affairs, within the Office of Advancement, keeps members in touch with University events and activities through the JCU Graduate Association publication, Crescente Luce. This publication is sent each year to members for whom a current address is held. The Office of Advancement will play a significant role in supporting JCU Graduate Association members through the establishment of Chapters in various locations throughout the world. Please contact this office for information regarding Chapters, whether you want to join or establish one in your area.
Further information about the JCU Graduate Association is available by contacting:
Graduate Affairs |
James Cook University |
Douglas Campus |
Townsville QLD 4811 |
Telephone: 07) 4781 6422 |
Facsimile: (07) 4781 6336 |
Email: |
The University has an English Language Centre for international students.
The ELC runs a number of different programs to assist students with their English.
General English classes can be taken on a part-time or full-time basis at the Centre. These classes are small and are aimed at improving general English communication in speaking, reading, writing and listening.
The ELC also caters to the needs of prospective tertiary students by running English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes. These classes help students prepare for university by teaching them how to listen and take notes in lectures; how to write essays, examination answers, reports and theses; how to analyse texts and how to select material to read as well as make appropriate notes; what is appropriate academic style in writing and what is expected of them in the Australian tertiary education system.
The North Queensland Tertiary Foundation Program is also run by the ELC. This Foundation Program is a pre-university program including EAP, Computer Studies and Australian Studies. Students entering this program will, on successful completion, gain direct entry into James Cook University as undergraduate students. This program is unique in Australia in that, although it is a pre-university program, it is worth up to nine credit units at first year level. Students are also permitted to enrol in one level 1 subject while taking the JCU Foundation Program, thus allowing them to have the opportunity of entering the University.
LC1000:03 English for Academic Purposes is a level 1 university subject open to both overseas and migrant students from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds (NESB).
For information on any of these programs or for advice and information on English language problems contact:
The English Language Centre |
E Block, Western Campus |
Telephone: +61 7 4781 5390 |
Facsimile: +61 7 4781 5392 |
Email: |
Web: |