Curriculum Study 1: TESOL or Primary LOTE
20 lectures, 20 workshops. Full year.
Available to students intending to become Primary LOTE teachers/wishing to provide classroom support for the LOTE program and to students with an interest in the area of ESL.
Staff: Dr M Allan.
An introduction to foundational issues relevant to the teaching and learning of languages within current policy and program contexts, including some linguistic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and cultural studies.
Learning Objectives:
- develop an understanding of the complexities of the language learning process in terms of cognitive and social development and of acquiring communicative and cultural competence;
- describe principal approaches to language teaching and learning, with particular focus on communicatively-based methodology;
- apply knowledge of theories of language learning in a study of a language learner;
- demonstrate the ability to plan and implement effective practices in teaching a second language.
Assessment by in-class presentation (10%); 1,500 word essay (40%); curriculum project (50%).