James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2001


Introduction to Education

Townsville, Cairns

26 lectures, 12 tutorials, one week professional experience in an educational setting. First semester.

Staff: Dr A Patterson (Townsville campus); Assoc. Professor B Osborne (Cairns campus).

The subject is an orientation to teaching as a profession. Students’ investigations of schooling and teachers’ work are framed by various approaches to educational inquiry. Current issues in education, including equity issues, are explored through a range of practical activities and readings. The subject also introduces students to academic reading, writing, group work, and to other components of the BEd program.

Learning Objectives:

  1. a knowledge of current issues related to schooling within a context of various approaches to educational inquiry;
  2. an understanding of factors shaping teachers’ work;
  3. an understanding of a range of explanations of inequalities and inequities in education;
  4. appropriate academic reading, writing and group work skills.

Assessment by groups poster project (10-20%); 1,500 word essay (40%); end-of-semester examination or webconferencing (40-50%); successful completion of professional experience component.