James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2001


Australian Minerals and Ores


Prerequisites: EA1001
Inadmissable Subject Combination: EA2001 EA2002 EA2200

16 lectures, 49 hours practicals, 8 hours field excursion. Second semester.

Staff: Mr P Whitehead, Dr B Lottermoser.

Principles of handspecimen and optical mineralogy. Systematic study of the more important silicate, carbonate, oxide, tungstate, sulphate and sulphide mineral groups, their chemistry, structure, optical and physical properties and parageneses. Ore mineralogy and the characteristics and setting of industrial and metalliferous ore deposits. Ore genesis related to magmatic, hydrothermal, volcanogenic, meteoric, diagenetic and metamorphic processes.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop skills and knowledge in identifying minerals in hand specimen and thin section;
  2. acquisition of a preliminary knowledge of the techniques of optical petrography;
  3. to provide skills in recognition of industrial and sulphide ore minerals;
  4. to introduce students to different styles of ore deposits and ore formation processes.

Assessment by a two-hour written examination (50%); a two-hour practical examination (20%); fieldwork, assignments and practical classes (30%).