James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2001


Introduction to Multimedia


26 lectures, 39 tutorials. First and second semester.

Media issues, representation, storage, transmission; audio and video concepts; multimedia services; authoring systems.

Learning Objectives:

  1. identify the different issues relating to media such as perception, representation, presentation, storage and transmission;
  2. understand audio and its production, representation and processing;
  3. understand images/video and its production, colour representation, compression and visualisation;
  4. understand the basic computer architecture and operating system requirements for multimedia;
  5. understand the different authoring system paradigms.

Assessment in this subject involves significant on-course assessment including assignments and tests and an examination at the end of the semester. The full details of the assessment are handed out to students in the class in the first week of the semester in which the subject is offered and posted on the Web.