James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2001


Advanced Chemistry Project B


Prerequisites: At least three of level 3 subjects CH3004 CH3013 CH3022 CH3032 CH3044
Inadmissable Subject Combination: CH3052 CH3063 CH3072 CH3082 CH3093

200 hours practicals. Full year.

Staff: Professor R Keene, Assoc. Professor G Meehan, Assoc. Professor B Bowden, Dr P Junk, Dr B McCool, Dr M Ridd, Dr G Jones.

Students will undertake two of the advanced laboratory projects (100 hours each) being offered in the chemistry sub-discipline areas — viz. physical, analytical, environmental, inorganic, organic, marine or industrial chemistry.

Learning objectives as for CH3093.

Assessment by performance in the laboratory (30%); a written report on each project, including risk assessments established at the beginning of the projects and literature reviews (50%); oral presentations of the results of each project (20%).