James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Projects in Behaviour and Ecology


13 tutorials, 39 hours practicals, 13 hours workshops. Second semester.

Available to students enrolled in MAppSc and GDipSc by coursework only.

Staff: Dr D Barton.

In this subject, small groups of students will conduct field and laboratory-based research projects. Projects will involve a variety of different organisms, ranging from invertebrates (e.g. parasites, social insects, aquatic insects) to vertebrates (e.g. fish, frogs, lizards, mammals, birds). Students will get the opportunity to design, implement and report on their project, which will run throughout the semester. A wide range of areas will be available for investigation in the fields of ecology and/or behaviour of the selected organisms. Each topic will be supervised by a member of staff with research interests in that area.

Learning Objectives:

  1. demonstrate the link between biological theory and empirical testing of that theory;
  2. give practical experience in the handling of animals, in logistics associated with empirical investigation, in the analysis and interpretation of data and in the preparation of scientific reports to present results.

Assessment by literature review (30%); final written report (60%); final seminar (10%).
