James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Conservation Biology


Prerequisites: Consult HOS
Inadmissable Subject Combination: ZL3204

26 lectures, 12 tutorials, 8 hours practicals. First semester.

Available to students enrolled for the degrees of MSc (including MSc Qualifying), MAppSc, BAppSc or Graduate Diplomas.

Staff: Dr C Johnson.

This subject covers the application of principles from genetics and ecology to the problems of conservation of biodiversity in terrestrial environments. Topics include the fitness and viability of small populations, community processes and species richness, landscape ecology and habitat fragmentation, conservation strategies and the conservation of biodiversity in Australia. Students will attend lectures, tutorials and practical classes in ZL3204 and will also undertake a project or a major literature review.

Learning Objectives:

  1. familiarity with current theory and controversies in Conservation Biology;
  2. understanding of the interface between theory and practice in conservation;
  3. development of critical faculties in the use of theory-based techniques and guidelines for management.

Assessment by examination, tutorial performance and project report.
