James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Molecular Methods in Evolution and Ecology


Prerequisites: BC2023 (ZL2005 or ZL2006)
Inadmissable Subject Combination: BC3040 BC5100 MI3011 ZL5041

30 lectures, 5 tutorials, 36 hours practicals. First semester.

Staff: Assoc. Professor D Blair.

Bodies die in each generation, but genes are transmitted on through time. A study of genes provides a means of tracing the evolutionary histories of individuals, species and higher taxa. This subject introduces the techniques used for such studies and their application in ecology, evolutionary and molecular biology. Topics covered range from the “big questions” of the origins of the phyla to fine scale issues such as kinship and paternity, the flow of genes within and among populations and genetic methods in forensic research. The subject will be based on lectures, tutorials and practicals which will involve intensive computer use at scheduled times.

Learning Objectives:

  1. an appreciation of the architecture of the genome and the ways in which genes evolve;
  2. an understanding of the ways in which genetic techniques can be used to answer questions in ecology and evolutionary biology;
  3. an appreciation of the role of computers and electronic databases in aiding such studies.

Assessment by examination (65%); practical reports (20%); assignments/presentation (15%).
