James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Research in Historical and Contemporary Visual Culture


Prerequisites: 3 year study in art history or cultural theory
Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA4011 VA4012 VA4021 VA4022

Contact hours as negotiated with the Head of College through the supervisor. Full year.

Available, at the discretion of the Head of College, to all students with a BVA or equivalent qualification undertaking the BVA Honours (Research) degree.

Staff: Ms S Albanus, Mr R Preston.

Supervision of an individually selected research topic as approved by the Honours Admission Panel and subject to the availability of appropriate supervision.

Learning Objectives:

  1. extensive knowledge of the chosen field of study;
  2. an ability to sustain an argument throughout a major study;
  3. well developed research skills appropriate to the discipline undertaken;
  4. an ability to write clear, scholarly prose;
  5. careful observation of the conventions of presentation.

Assessment by a 25,000 word thesis (75%); research portfolio (25%).
