James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Professional Practice/Exhibitions


Prerequisites: (VA2031 or VA2033) (VA2032 or VA2034)
Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA3190 VA3350 VA3360 VA3670 VA3870 VA3970

26 lectures, 13 tutorials. Full year.

Available to level 3 BVA students and other students subject to interview with lecturer.

Staff: Ms A Lord.

Practical and theoretical requirements for visual artists and potential art administrators to arrange an exhibition, installation or site work; students’ development of a rationale for site/installation/exhibition and other formats for exposure of visual arts; discussion of basic art administration necessary for holding an exhibition; theoretical and conceptual development to curate an exhibition.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to acquire a knowledge of industry expectations for the implementation of an exhibition, installation, site work or curating of visual art work;
  2. to create links for students to the professional visual arts industry;
  3. to develop the rationale for student’s own exposure, or curate for others, resulting in an exhibition, installation or site work.

Assessment by practical exhibition (50%); journal including documentation of exhibition, installation, site work (10%); semester one - five written projects (20%); semester two - four written projects and one documentation project (20%).
