James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Visual Arts Practice 3B


Prerequisites: VA3031
Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA3190 VA3350 VA3360 VA3670 VA3870 VA3970

130 hours practicals. Second semester.

Staff: Mr R McBurnie.

Students will work consistently at professional standard on a body of work which embraces a personal approach to subject and medium in the same area of specialisation as in VA3031.

Emphasis will be the further development of personal direction with each student engaged with individual work proposals outlining aims, method of research and execution, including safe working practices.

Students will participate in regular class discussions and group critiques of practical work, as well as undertake research necessary to their direction.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop strategies for creative and personalised decision making;
  2. to develop appropriate and on-going research strategies for the practising artist;
  3. to develop creative output to an exhibition level through personal exploration and research;
  4. to engage in self-reflective and critical inquiry.

Assessment by practical proposal work (90%); research journal/visual diary (10%). An attendance record of 80% must be met unless approved in writing by the subject coordinator.
