James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Bronze Casting


Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA1181 VA1182 VA1910 VA2181 VA2182 VA2191 VA2192 VA2920 VA2930 VA2940

39 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to all students except BVA students.

Staff: Ms J Hawkins.

This subject provides the opportunity for non-BVA students interested in bronze casting to learn the process of lost-wax casting using the ceramic shell technique. Associated processes such as modelling in clay and wax, plaster and rubber mould making, welding and finishing bronze and basic patination will be covered. A departmental charge will be required upon enrolment for use of tools and materials.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to gain an appreciation of technological developments and current practices in bronze casting;
  2. to develop the technical skills and competence necessary to undertake basic three dimensional and low relief casting;
  3. to develop problem-solving skills to assist with creative decision-making;
  4. to demonstrate an understanding of safe work practices.

Assessment by two practical projects (40% each); research journal/visual diary (20%). An attendance record of 80% must be met unless approved in writing by the subject coordinator.
