James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Relief Printing


39 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to all students except for BVA students whose major area of study is in printmaking. This is also a level 2 Bachelor of Education subject for intending early childhood/primary/secondary teachers undertaking a major/sub-major in art. This subject would be appropriate for anyone interested in children’s art/books.

Staff: Mr R McBurnie.

This subject is structured so that a person with little or no printmaking and/or book making experience or facilities can produce works of substance in a non-studio (home environment) or classroom situation with students.

The classes will include deomonstrations and their practical application through set technical exercises (such as simple binding and printmaking techniques). The students will then combine these skills with their creative ideas to complete four set projects.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain an appreciation of a range of relief printing processes that do not require sophisticated equipment or facilities;
  2. develop the technical skills and competence necessary to undertake basic printmaking projects;
  3. explore basic book binding techniques;
  4. develop the skills necessary to produce a book that incorporates a variety of print and binding techniques, integrating both image and text;
  5. demonstrate an understanding of safe work practices.

Assessment by four practical projects (20% each), research journal/visual diary (20%). An attendance record of 80% must be met unless approved in writing by the subject coordinator.
