James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Art History and Theory I


52 lectures. Full year.

Available to all students. This is a core subject for Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Education students majoring in Art.

Staff: Assoc. Professor A Silver.

This subject will encompass an introduction to a range of issues, movements, theory and practice in 20th century art, through a series of slide lectures and discussion.

Learning Objectives:

  1. an introductory knowledge of the issues, movements, theory and practice of 20th century art;
  2. knowledge of some of the basic concepts underpinning research and scholarship in the arts;
  3. importance of having an awareness of the traditions of artistic practice;
  4. sound strategies for scholarship appropriate across the visual arts.

Assessment by two sets of interlocking research reports (30% each semester) (60%); research (40%). An attendance record of 80% must be met.
