James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Visual Arts Technologies 1B


Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA1027

13 lectures, 52 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to all students subject to portfolio presentation and interview.

Staff: Ms J Hawkins.

Lectures and slide presentations about formats for alternative contemporary configuration of visual arts products regarding conceptual installation practices. This also looks at formats for traditional standards of display for exhibition.

Students in the traditional Fine Art subjects will focus on highly professional presentation which is linked to the meaning of the work and how it is presented. The subject will include two main studio workshop areas comprising two teaching modules.

Module one — includes work ranging from heavy-duty construction of boxes, plinths and painting stretchers, as well as traditional and new approaches to framing of two dimensional work and installation of three dimensional works.

Module two — is the implementation of ‘absolutely fabulous’ presentation such as folio construction, book binding, book construction, matt cutting and the fabrication of delicate three dimensional display boxes or cases.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide students with an awareness of the means of creating the most contemporary methods of display;
  2. to gain a critical edge to thinking about the installation of art work during the creative process, including an awareness of the requirements for final display;
  3. to gain knowledge for accessing the professional workshops and technical tools to aid in the presentation and installation of art work in traditional and contemporary spaces.

Assessment by practical project from each of the two modules (40% each) (80%); journal/visual diary from each of the two modules (10% each) (20%).
