James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Visual Arts Technologies 1A


Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA1027

13 lectures, 52 hours practicals. On-campus delivery first semester; July intensive mode. Refer to University timetable.

Available to all students subject to portfolio presentation and interview.

Staff: Mr R McBurnie.

Discussion of the New Media category in Visual Arts research and its implications for visual communication and expression. Students in the traditional Fine Art subjects will focus on presentation and interpretation using technological tools. The subject will include two main studio workshop areas comprising two teaching modules.

Module one — emphasis will be on developing visual concepts, including image manipulation and appropriation for visual art outcomes. The production and use of photographs, video and other pertinent image recording media will be examined theoretically and, where possible, practically. Elements such as lighting and composition, used for visual communication, will be developed.

Module two — the introduction to the computer as a tool to investigate further ways to capture, enhance and modify visual and related data. This includes scanning and image manipulation and the use of such images in interactive multimedia and cyber applications.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide students with an awareness of contemporary uses of technology for communicating traditional or experimental concepts in appropriate media;
  2. to develop critical thought processes relevant to contemporary issues;
  3. to gain knowledge for accessing the technical tools or professional workshops to aid in the production of art work that extends traditional processes.

Assessment by practical project from each of the two modules (40% each) (80%); journal/visual diary from each of the two modules (10% each) (20%).
