James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Visual Arts Fundamentals 1A


Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA1017 VA1100 VA1110 VA1181 VA1182 VA1310 VA1610 VA1810 VA1910 VA2041 VA2042

78 hours practicals. First semester.

Available to all students subject to portfolio presentation and interview.

Staff: Ms A Lord.

Students will develop an appreciation of aesthetic qualities, conceptual approaches, skills and practices employed in the visual arts areas of painting, printmaking or 3D studies. Elements and principles of design as required by the fine artist, will be explored as conduits for visual expression. Practical training in workshops with demonstrations and class discussions will provide students with skills for the realisation of their ideas.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to gain an appreciation of the fundamentals specific to fine art practice;
  2. to develop a broad base of skills and an awareness of traditional and contemporary issues underpinning visual arts practice;
  3. to develop strategies and problem solving skills to assist in creative decision-making;
  4. to demonstrate an understanding of safe work practices.

Assessment by three practical projects (25% each) (75%); research journal/visual diary (25%). An attendance record of 80% must be met unless approved in writing by the subject coordinator.
