James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Animal Health


26 lectures, 3 tutorials, 60 hours practicals. Full year.

Available to graduate students with a degree in Veterinary Science (other appropriately trained graduates may enrol at the discretion of the Head of School).

Staff: Assoc. Professor D B Copeman, Assoc. Professor R G Hirst, Dr G W Burgess.

A review of the fundamental aspects of pathology, microbiology (including virology and bacteriology), immunology and parasitology as applied to the major diseases of farm and companion animals in the tropics.

Learning Objectives:

  1. discuss recent concepts of disease in domestic animals and recognise by gross and microscopic examination, the major changes seen in disease;
  2. understand contemporary views on the pathogenesis and epidemiology of bacterial diseases of livestock and comment on microbial genetics and recombinant DNA technology;
  3. appreciate current knowledge on the nature, pathogenesis and epidemiology of viruses and of methods now used to identify them and control viral diseases in animals;
  4. understand the general concepts of immunity – both humoral and cell mediated;
  5. discuss the life cycles, pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of the major parasitic diseases of farm and companion animals in the tropics.

Assessment by written (and occasional) examinations on material in lectures (60%); practical examination (30%); assignment(s) (10%).
