James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Tourism Issues in Developing Countries


Prerequisites: Level 3 standing in tourism

26 lectures, 26 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to Tourism majors students only.

Staff: Ms C Echtner.

This subject examines the challenges of tourism in developing nations. It combines and synthesises topics previously covered in the tourism program, including tourism and the environment, tourist behaviour, tourism marketing, international tourism and research methods. This is supplemented by new material focussing on the special issues and impacts of tourism in the Third World. The subject consists of intensive lectures and field studies in a developing world setting. As such, a requirement of this subject is overseas travel for a ten day period.

Note: Cost of international travel is additional to subject fees and is the responsibility of the student. Destination to be advised early in the first semester.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand and critically analyse tourism issues and impacts in developing nations;
  2. to examine, first-hand, tourism in a developing country;
  3. to synthesise and apply a wide range of tourism theory and research methods in a real-life field setting;
  4. to enhance cross-cultural awareness.

Assessment to be advised.
