James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Regional Tourism Planning


Prerequisites: Level 3 standing in tourism

26 lectures, 26 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to Tourism majors students only.

Staff: Ms C Echtner.

The focus of this subject is regional tourism planning, which incorporates analyses of the market, product, policy and stakeholders. The subject covers definitions of tourism regions and highlights the methods and issues involved in producing comprehensive and practical regional tourism plans. The roles of the public and private sectors and the general community are considered. Case studies and guest speakers supplement lectures to provide insight into current strategies and approaches to regional tourism planning.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide the methods and models needed to produce a comprehensive regional tourism plan;
  2. to learn how tourism regions are defined;
  3. to examine significant issues, especially with regard to the coordination and integration required in regional tourism planning;
  4. to understand trends in planning and regional analysis;
  5. to hone and apply research and analysis skills.

Assessment to be advised.
